Comments on: New York Knicks: It’s Too Soon to Lose the Triangle Offense New York Knicks News, Rumors, and Fan Community Mon, 21 Mar 2016 06:17:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Corey Rockafeler Mon, 21 Mar 2016 06:17:00 +0000 Some well made points about patience . The article however well intentioned ,obviates some relevant points. The triangle was very successful with HOF players named SHaq, Kobe, Jordan, Pippen, Rodman etc… Is it fair to posit that Popvich, Riley, or even Spols could have won with those crews? Moreover, the triangle has FAILED with Jax’s entire coaching tree: Rambis, Hamblen, Floyd, Cleamons, Shaw. Kerr smartly only uses parts of triangle and eschews triangle rigidity. In addition, the article fails to recognize a key tenet of life- things evolve and change , yet the triangle is treated as some definitive truth. Great leaders adapt and change , yet Jax clings to the TRI as if it’s improvement proof. Pat Riley went from Showtime Lakers to slow paced rough and tumble Knicks to pace and space with Miami Heat. Popovich went from slow paced dump it into David and Timmy, to a motion pace and space offense . Jax???? He’s busy preaching the gospel of triangle rigidity . Therein lays the conundrum . The game has changed . Yes a system and identify are mandates . But as Kerr adroitly posited – the game is different . Jax’s rigidity saw him sign an aging defensive sieve like Calderon because Jax refuses to see in a point guard league you need a solid point guard . While no one will confuse this Knick team with the Warriors , a solid coach and a more flexible updated offense ( more flex motion, multiple screens, pick and rolls, and spacing ) would have these Knicks competiting for a playoff eighth seed. You devise a system to match players . Jax’s doctrinal rigidity and insufferable arrogance have cost this team, In a copy cat league , how many teams are rushing to play the TRI? How many free agents want to play in TRI? Rambis , a notch below Fisher, would never be close to a coaching job if he were not a TRI disciple . Again, the game has changed . Jax is on way to becoming the NBA version of Tom Landry, a legendary coach who refused to evolve and change . The new NBA is about 5 man sets, who can shoot the deep ball, create, penetrate , and switch everything on D. It’s about length over height, bigs with guard skill sets, point guards who can attack ,spacing, positional versatility on D, and ball movement . Knicks are near last in pace, points per drive, drives per game, free throws per game , and 3 point shooting. That is a searing indictment of Jax and his system rigidity . Here is our free agent pitch: come play in an Edsel of an offense , with a coach whose won less than 40% of his games , with an aging legend President trapped in past glories . That’s about as sexy as Betty White in Victoria Secret. Jax is very sensitive about his rings being more attributed to his great players than his venerated TRI . He wants to prove a point . Dolan must intervene a bring in Thibs and admit the Jax experiment , however seductive , has failed

By: Donnie Walsh Sun, 20 Mar 2016 13:28:00 +0000 “Made some moves that could improve the Knicks future” ??????? What moves ?????

By: Huss Sat, 19 Mar 2016 23:21:00 +0000 In reply to Carl Hill.


By: Carl Hill Sat, 19 Mar 2016 21:10:00 +0000 Because, the Triangle only worked to success with guys like MJ, Kobe, Pippen and Shaq running it….
