NY Knicks: A thank you letter to Theo Pinson

Dear Theo Pinson,

From all NY Knicks fans across the world, I would like to say thank you. Although your minutes on the court are limited, you continue to bring value to this team while being everyone’s biggest supporter.

The Knicks currently have 31 wins, and you have played a part in every single one.

Anyone who has watched or been to a Knicks game this year will know Theo is standing, clapping, dancing, and encouraging our guys for 48 minutes, truly bringing the energy we need. After every point we score, I find myself immediately looking at our bench, trying to catch a glimpse of Theo celebrating.

I wasn’t too sure what to think when the Knicks acquired him after waiving Allonzo Trier, but in a short period of time, Theo has become one of my favorite Knicks ever.

It’s almost like he is a part of the coaching staff who still will sprint to the scorer’s table to check into the game no matter the amount of time left.

A true professional.

The energy certainly does not go unnoticed either. Just look at what Reggie Bullock had to say about his teammate, throwing out the idea of New York offering Theo a long-term deal.

If it were up to me, Theo would get a lifetime contract to be a Knick, and uh…maybe we should extend Reggie to the same deal while we’re at it too.

Dear Theo Pinson, thank you from all of NY Knicks nation!

If anyone reading this happens to be a fan of any other NBA team, I am truly sorry that you don’t have a teammate like Theo on your squad.

You may be laughing at that statement, but like Theo said, “It’s different around here”, and I don’t expect outsiders to understand.

As long as I have been a Knicks fan, I don’t ever remember a group of guys being this close with one another than this 2020-2021 year. Sure, Iman Shumpert coming up with “Knickstape” was an awesome group of guys, but they were supposed to be there, winning 50 plus games.

This season, nobody expected New York to be a playoff team. They were supposed to be the laughing stock of the NBA, ya know just the usual.

That’s what makes it so much sweeter.

Whether it’s Julius Randle recognizing we have a “big 15” or the bench running to help pick up teammates who go crashing to the floor. Everyone on this roster is buying in and fighting for each other on a nightly basis, and Theo Pinson is to thank.

While we are on the topic of thank you’s, I also would love to extend a thank you to the team that plays in Brooklyn for letting Theo go and allowing us to grab him.

Again, Theo, thank you for everything you do on a nightly basis for this team, you are a real fan favorite.

So, what do we say Leon Rose and company, a lifetime contract for Theo Pinson? Let’s make it happen.


Every single Knicks fan