3 reasons the Knicks would benefit from a Donovan Mitchell trade

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New York Knicks fans expected this offseason to be all about Jalen Brunson, but all seasoned Knicks fans know that it isn’t really summer in New York without the hopes and dreams of a new star acquisition.

Coming up to the batter’s box this year is three-time All-Star guard Donovan Mitchell. Reports released that the Knicks and Utah Jazz were in serious trade negotiations to send the guard to his home of New York, where he has many connections with his father being a part of the Mets organization.

But this isn’t like most other summer rumors because this trade has been a deal that was seemingly destined to be at least talked about with the Jazz’s exit in the first round of this year’s playoffs against the Mavericks.

Of course, no decision is going to have all Knicks fans 100% in agreement with each other over what exactly the right course of action is.

After reports came out that general manager Danny Ainge is looking for a historic haul from the Knicks in order for the deal to go through, many fans are concerned if Mitchell is even worth it.

However, even if New York does give up a historic haul to acquire Mitchell, there would still be many major benefits the Knicks would receive from the trade, and here are three of them.

3 reasons the New York Knicks would benefit from a Donovan Mitchell trade

Reason 1: Culture shift

Above all else, the Knicks need a reputation change. As the brand currently stands, they are a team in the biggest market in the heart of the media capital of the world, yet they struggle to attract star power in the free agency market. Time and time again we hear of New York free agency and trade rumors just to be left in a perpetual cycle of hope followed by disappointment.

The last multiple-time All-Star to play for the Knicks in their prime was Carmelo Anthony (more on him later), who left in 2017. Mitchell would not only be the first multi-time All-Star in their prime to play for the Knicks since Melo, but he would also be a great commodity to have in pursuit of attracting other perennial stars to the team in the future.

He also happens to be from New York and he would be a unique example of a star that is more than willing to accept the challenge of wearing orange and blue for the city. For the first time in half a decade, there would be significant star power in the Mecca of basketball and that type of atmosphere is necessary for a team’s long-term success in this star-driven league.

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